Have you heard about Facebook live or seen a few of your associates on Facebook doing a live event? If not you may be familiar with Periscope or Meerkat. They are live streaming apps for the social media world.
Facebook launched this amazing feature in January 2016. Initially, this feature was app based and only accessible from your mobile device or tablet. Now, most of the world can live stream from their desktop.
Why use Facebook Live? Great Question!
Video will contribute to over 90% of the internet traffic by 2018. Understanding what an audience does online makes it easier for a business owner to get their message, brand or content in their social network.
By using Facebook live or any video content we’re able to instantly build rapport with our target audience. However, the secret ingredient is consistency. We need to continue to make content that is educating, entertaining and real (authentic).
Facebook Live allows the user to live stream video to their friends from their profile, to groups and their business page. Create content that will educate, entertain and showcase the business in real time.
When should you go Live?
I strongly suggest once you are confident, to start a regular TV show or series. Set a time every week to go live with a topic that interests your audience.
Easy-peasy Facebook content
Creating content for Facebook doesn’t need to be hard or time-consuming.
Let me recap the steps:
1.Create a theme around what you want to do on Facebook (educate, train, Q&As, interviews etc).
2.Schedule a time and day each week to broadcast your live event.
3.Share with your email database or other social media platforms that you’ll be live at this date and time.
4.Go live and talk about your topic.
5. Save to your device and right click on the post to obtain the URL of the video.
6. Go to www.rev.com and share the URL (this will cost $1 per minute of video).
7.Receive the transcript and do a little editing (removing ums, ahs and so’s).
8.Upload this as a blog post and add the video.
9.Go to m.facebook.com and insert the URL of Facebook live event (this site will allow you to download it to your PC).
10. or/ upload directly to Youtube.com from your device.
11. Using keywords name your new content on YouTube.com
12. Share the original video to SnapChat, Instagram, and Twitter. Send the traffic back to your blog post to read or see more.
This is a very simple and effective way to create amazing content that can be repurposed across multiple platforms.